Part1 : Reflex Agent
class ReflexAgent(Agent): def getAction(self,gameState) def evaluationFunction(self, currentGameState, action)
def getAction(self, gameState) #根据当前的评估函数确定下一步的动作 #获取当前可能的下一步的方向 有stop east ... legalMoves = gameState.getLegalActions() #根据评估函数获取所有的下一步的权值 scores = [self.evaluationFunction(gameState, action) for action in legalMoves] #获取最好的分数 bestScore = max(scores) #根据最好的分数获取最好的行动选择 bestIndices = [index for index in range(len(scores)) if scores[index] == bestScore] #从最好的行动集合中随机选择一个最为下一步的动作 chosenIndex = random.choice(bestIndices) return legalMoves[chosenIndex]
- 食物到Agent的距离
- 怪兽到Agent的距离
- 超级豆子到Agent的距离
- 下一个状态能否吃到豆子 或者被Ghost吃掉
def evaluationFunction(self, currentGameState, action): # 获取当前游戏状态 其中G表示为Ghost %表示为墙 角标表示pacman 角标方向代表上一次选择的方向 successorGameState = currentGameState.generatePacmanSuccessor(action) # print 'successorGameState\n',successorGameState # 获取这样移动后新的位置 newPos = successorGameState.getPacmanPosition() # print 'newPos',newPos # 获取食物在图中的分布(二维数组,有失误为T没食物为F) newFood = successorGameState.getFood() curFood = currentGameState.getFood() # print 'newFood',newFood # 获取Ghost的位置 newGhostStates = successorGameState.getGhostStates() # print 'ghostState',newGhostStates[0].getPosition() # 获取吃超级豆子之后 Ghost害怕还剩余的时间 newScaredTimes = [ghostState.scaredTimer for ghostState in newGhostStates] # 对这个选择评估的分数 currscore = 0 if action == "Stop": return -100 # 如果当前状态能够使ghost害怕,将所有的时间加入进来 for st in newScaredTimes: currscore += st # 根据Ghost所在的位置,获取与当前位置的距离 ghost_distances = [] for gs in newGhostStates: ghost_distances += [manhattanDistance(gs.getPosition(),newPos)] # 获取food所在的所有pos foodList = newFood.asList() curfoodList = curFood.asList() # 获取food所在的所有wall wallList = currentGameState.getWalls().asList() # 保存food的距离 food_distences = [] # 获取所有食物到达当前位置的距离 for foodpos in foodList: food_distences += [manhattanDistance(newPos,foodpos)] # 对食物的距离取反 inverse_food_distences=0; if len(food_distences)>0 and min(food_distences) > 0: inverse_food_distences = 1.0 / min(food_distences) # 考虑了ghost与当前的距离,其权值更大 currscore += min(ghost_distances)*(inverse_food_distences**4) # 获取当前系统判定的分数 又可能当前吃到了豆子 分数更高些 currscore+=successorGameState.getScore() if newPos in curfoodList: currscore = currscore * 1.1 return currscore
python -q q1
Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1228Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1253Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1246Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1255Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1247Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1257Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1244Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1260Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1261Pacman emerges victorious! Score: 1258Average Score: 1250.9Scores: 1228.0, 1253.0, 1246.0, 1255.0, 1247.0, 1257.0, 1244.0, 1260.0, 1261.0, 1258.0Win Rate: 10/10 (1.00)Record: Win, Win, Win, Win, Win, Win, Win, Win, Win, Win
python -p ReflexAgent -k 2
Part 2 : MinMax
class MinimaxAgent(MultiAgentSearchAgent): def getAction(self, gameState): def max_value(state, currentDepth): # 当前深度加一 currentDepth=currentDepth+1 # 若当前状态已经赢了或输了 或者 已经到达了规定的深度 if state.isWin() or state.isLose() or currentDepth == self.depth: return self.evaluationFunction(state) # 初始化v v= float('-Inf') # 对每个min分支求max for pAction in state.getLegalActions(0): v=max(v, min_value(state.generateSuccessor(0, pAction), currentDepth, 1)) return v def min_value(state, currentDepth, ghostNum): # 若当前状态已经赢了或输了 if state.isWin() or state.isLose(): return self.evaluationFunction(state) # 初始化v v=float('Inf') # 对每个max分支求min 其中有多个Ghost 所有多个Ghost分支 for pAction in state.getLegalActions(ghostNum): if ghostNum == gameState.getNumAgents()-1: #所有Ghost的min找完了 开始找下一个max v=min(v, max_value(state.generateSuccessor(ghostNum, pAction), currentDepth)) else: #继续下一个Ghost v=min(v, min_value(state.generateSuccessor(ghostNum, pAction), currentDepth, ghostNum+1)) return v # pacman下一个状态可能的行动 Pacman_Actions = gameState.getLegalActions(0) maximum = float('-Inf') result = '' # 针对下一个状态 寻找获胜概率最高的move for action in Pacman_Actions: if(action != "Stop"): currentDepth = 0 # 而所有的Ghost希望胜利概率最低的选择 currentMax = min_value(gameState.generateSuccessor(0, action), currentDepth , 1) if currentMax > maximum: maximum=currentMax result =action return result
运行命令python -p MinimaxAgent -k 2 -a depth=4
Go East Value is 43.0 Time: 1994.49194336Go East Value is 50.0 Time: 6805.0690918Go East Value is 58.0 Time: 4821.87817383Go East Value is 67.0 Time: 3456.60791016Go North Value is 76.0 Time: 1419.2019043Go North Value is 63.0 Time: 3504.87597656Go East Value is 72.0 Time: 2485.83081055Go East Value is 103.0 Time: 1185.18701172
Part 3 : Alpha-Bate 剪枝
class AlphaBetaAgent(MultiAgentSearchAgent): def getAction(self, gameState): def max_value(state, alpha, beta, currentDepth): # 当前深度加一 currentDepth=currentDepth+1 # 若当前状态已经赢了或输了 或者 已经到达了规定的深度 if state.isWin() or state.isLose() or currentDepth == self.depth: return self.evaluationFunction(state) v=float('-Inf') # 对每个min分支求max for pAction in state.getLegalActions(0): if pAction!="Stop": v=max(v, min_value(state.generateSuccessor(0, pAction), alpha, beta, currentDepth, 1)) # 若已经比beta要大了 就没有搜索下去的必要了 if v >= beta: return v # 更新alpha的值 alpha=max(alpha, v) return v def min_value(state, alpha, beta, currentDepth, ghostNum): # 若当前状态已经赢了或输了 if state.isWin() or state.isLose(): return self.evaluationFunction(state) # 初始化v v=float('Inf') # 对每个max分支求min 其中有多个Ghost 所有多个Ghost分支 for pAction in state.getLegalActions(ghostNum): if ghostNum == gameState.getNumAgents()-1: # 所有Ghost的min找完了 开始找下一个max v=min(v, max_value(state.generateSuccessor(ghostNum, pAction), alpha, beta, currentDepth)) else: # 继续下一个Ghost v=min(v, min_value(state.generateSuccessor(ghostNum, pAction), alpha, beta, currentDepth, ghostNum+1)) # 若比alpha还要小了 就没搜索的必要了 if v <= alpha: return v # 更新beta的值 beta=min(beta, v) return v # pacman下一个状态可能的行动 pacmanActions=gameState.getLegalActions(0) maximum=float('-Inf') # 初始化alpha bate alpha=float('-Inf') beta=float('Inf') maxAction='' # 针对下一个状态 寻找获胜概率最高的move for action in pacmanActions: if action!="Stop": currentDepth=0 # 而所有的Ghost希望胜利概率最低的选择 currentMax=min_value(gameState.generateSuccessor(0, action), alpha, beta, currentDepth, 1) if currentMax > maximum: maximum=currentMax maxAction=action print maximum return maxAction
利用了AlphaBate之后 在同样的参数下 运行速度明显增加。
class MultiAgentSearchAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, evalFn = 'scoreEvaluationFunction', depth = '2'): self.index = 0 # Pacman is always agent index 0 self.evaluationFunction = util.lookup(evalFn, globals()) self.depth = int(depth)
def scoreEvaluationFunction(currentGameState,cur_score): # 获取food所在的所有wall wallList=currentGameState.getWalls().asList() Pos = currentGameState.getPacmanPosition() # 获取食物在图中的分布(二维数组,有失误为T没食物为F) curFood=currentGameState.getFood() # 获取Ghost的位置 GhostStates=currentGameState.getGhostStates() # 获取吃超级豆子之后 Ghost害怕还剩余的时间 scaredTimes=[ghostState.scaredTimer for ghostState in GhostStates] # 对这个选择评估的分数 currscore=0 # 根据Ghost所在的位置,获取与当前位置的距离 ghost_distances=[] for gs in GhostStates: ghost_distances+=[manhattanDistance(gs.getPosition(), Pos)] ghost_index = 0; min_ghost_distances = min(ghost_distances); is_scared = False for time in scaredTimes: if time != 0: is_scared = True else: is_scared = False break # 获取food所在的所有pos curfoodList=curFood.asList() # 保存food的距离 food_distences=[] # 获取所有食物到达当前位置的距离 for foodpos in curfoodList: food_distences+=[manhattanDistance(Pos, foodpos)] # 对食物的距离取反 inverse_food_distences=0; if len(food_distences) > 0 and min(food_distences) > 0: inverse_food_distences=1.0 / min(food_distences) if is_scared and min_ghost_distances!=0: # if min_ghost_distances < 10: # min_ghost_distances = 800 min_ghost_distances # else: # min_ghost_distances = 600 min_ghost_distances print "Ghost Scared!" min_ghost_distances = min_ghost_distances * 0.8 # 考虑了ghost与当前的距离,其权值更大 if min(ghost_distances) == 0: currscore+=inverse_food_distences else: currscore+= min_ghost_distances * (float(inverse_food_distences)) # 获取当前系统判定的分数 又可能当前吃到了豆子 分数更高些 currscore+=currentGameState.getScore() return currscore
测试命令 python -p AlphaBetaAgent -k 2 -a depth=4
Go East Value is 43.0 Time: 215.517822266Go East Value is 50.0 Time: 820.08203125Go East Value is 58.0 Time: 712.662841797Go East Value is 69.0 Time: 320.084960938Go North Value is 78.0 Time: 1038.60400391Go North Value is 66.0 Time: 862.83203125Go East Value is 76.0 Time: 774.194091797Go East Value is 108.0 Time: 357.637207031Go East Value is 113.5 Time: 812.993164062Go North Value is 126.0 Time: 402.672851562
正常测试平均在1500 point左右,但仍然存在以下问题
- 当两个Agent分别在Pacman的两边或两边存在同样数量的豆子时,左右徘徊
- 因为使用MinMax博弈树 而Ghost在离Pacman足够远时威胁很小
- 导致Agent Pacman在豆子吃了大部分的时候非常谨慎
- 参数调配问题